A Mystical Place in Morocco-The Hassan Tower

Sutikshan Dwivedi
6 min readDec 20, 2022


Hassan Tower

Rabat is the capital of Morocco and the second most populated city in the country after Casablanca. Despite its political importance, Rabat’s two most visited sites stand opposite each other along the Bou Regreg river. Hassan Tower and the Mausoleum of Mohammed V are two of Morocco’s most mystical places. Hassan Tower is an incomplete project of majestic proportions and the other stands as a masterpiece of modern Moroccan architecture, holding the grand tombs of past kings. Wander through the ruins of columns and enter the ornamental grandeur that will forever remain incomplete is a great experience. Apart from this one can enjoy the wonderful Necropolis of Chellah to get lost in the blue of the Kasbah of the Udayas.

Hassan Tower history

Hassan Tower is the minaret of an incomplete mosque in Rabat, Morocco. The Great Sultan Yacoub al Mansour, the third Caliph of the Almohad Caliphate ordered the construction of the Hassan Tower and its adjoining mosque in Rabat at the beginning of the 12th century. The tower was intended to be the largest mosque in the world if completed, would have been the largest in the western Muslim world.

The construction of Hassan tower began in 1195 with the intention of erecting a minaret that would reach 86 meters in height, and a mosque large enough to accommodate 20,000 pilgrims. This grand project was designed to celebrate the victory of the sultan over the Spanish Christians at Alarcos but the sultan’s death in 1199 led to a dramatic halt in construction which was never completed. The Sultan envisioned it to be the world’s largest mosque at that time but the minaret now left standing 44 meters tall and about 348 columns that would have sustained the impressive projected mosque. The minaret is surrounded by unfinished and shattered pillars.

The tower, along with the remains of the mosque and the modern Mausoleum of Mohammed V, forms an important historical and tourist complex in Rabat. The complex which also includes a garden is free to explore. An earthquake in 1755 damaged the incomplete site and damaged some of the central columns of the mosque. Most of these, however, were restored and helped to portray the intended dimensions of the original project. The tower or Minaret is made of sandstone, which has progressively weathered over the centuries. It has a square floor plan like other minarets in the region, measuring 16 meters per side. Instead of stairs, the tower is ascended by ramps.

Yaqub al-Mansur conducted other works in Rabat, most notably the construction of the iconic Koutoubia Mosque in Marrakech, new city walls, and the Kasbah of the Udayas. Despite all this work and expense, the Almohad capital remained in Marrakesh and was never actually moved to Rabat. The tower and the site of the mosque were added to the UNESCO World Heritage site in 2012 as part of the larger site encompassing historic Rabat.

Hassan tower mosque

The mosque is strategically placed on the high bank of the Bu Regreg river to provide an imposing spectacle view for miles around. Since the area surrounding was suburban at the time of construction and lacked the population near the mosque, it is believed that it was meant to serve the Almohad troops who gathered there before setting off on campaigns. So it serves as both a place of worship and a fortress. Maps Rabat Hassan shows the nearby localities Medina De Rabat and Les Orangers. Map showing the other localities also.

The mosque’s total dimensions were 183 by 139 meters and If completed, it would have been the largest mosque in the western part of the Islamic country, larger even than the Great Mosque of Cordoba. The walls of the mosque were made of lime concrete on top of a rubble stone base. The interior of the mosque was in hypostyle format and was divided by rows of columns into 21 aisles running perpendicular to the southeastern wall in the direction of prayer. The mosque was given cylindrical stone columns rather than the brick piers more commonly seen in Almohad architecture.

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Other Tourist Attraction

Mausoleum of Mohammed V

The Mausoleum of Mohammed V stands just across the unfinished ruins of Hassan tower, Built in the 1950s and inaugurated six years after the death of Mohammed V in 1961. The structure is considered today a masterpiece of modern Alouite dynasty architecture. It has a plain exterior of white walls and a typical green-tiled roof that contrasts deeply with the elaborately ornamented interior. Morocco’s traditional craftsmanship is clearly seen guarded within the walls of the mausoleum, with magnificent zellij mosaics rising from marble floors to a ceiling of hand-carved cedar wood and gold leaf. The main feature of the mausoleum is the glorious tombs of King Mohammed V (Grandfather of Morocco’s current king) and his two sons. This magnificent site is open daily for all visitors, where the royal guards are mounted on horses and dressed in elaborate uniforms and stand at the main entrance.

Chellah Necropolis

Rabat is also known as the Necropolis of Chellah. In ancient history, Phoenicians, Romans, and Arabs lived on this site. The city is well developing since the arrival of the Romans. However, centuries later the Romans abandoned the city and later the Arabs settled there. They built a mosque, several sanctuaries, and a madrassa, among other buildings. The place is the perfect tourist destination located near the Atlantic and next to the Bou Regreg, a navigable river.

Kasbah of the Udayas

Kasbah of the Udayas is one of the main tourist attractions of the city. Magic is hidden inside the walls of the 11th-century fortress- a small and quiet neighborhood full of white and blue buildings is quite attractive. one can disconnect from the bustle of the capital, getting lost in its streets. Besides its beautiful blue and white streets and the oldest mosque in Rabat, the Kasbah of the Udayas offers the Atlantic Ocean and Sale from its viewpoint.

Royal Palace of Rabat

Rabat has a Royal Palace however the King of Morocco does not reside in this spectacular palace. It is used as the center of government and political activities. Entry to the building is completely prohibited, and there is a lot of security. One can see it by walking around its gardens and watching it from afar.

How to get to Hassan tower Morocco

Rabat, the capital city of Morocco is connected to all major metro cities around the world. From Rabat Airport one can easily reach the Hassan tower by Cab or bus.



Sutikshan Dwivedi

Geologist and electronic media journalist